Orthodontics, commonly known as braces, are used to enhance the aesthetic appearance of the smile and correct maloclusions such as crowded teeth, missing teeth, or misaligned teeth.

Why Choose Village One Dental for Orthodontics?
- Customized — the braces and wires are customized for every patient
- Faster Treatment — this means less travel and time in the dentists’ chair
- Comfort — braces are designed and applied so the intended tooth and teeth align properly resulting in less pain and irritation
- Better Smile — the long term outcome of using braces is superior because of improved retention of the teeth over time
- Enhance Facial Profile — braces optimize the alignment of teeth and enhance the facial profile and thus the beauty for the individual, which builds confidence
All children should have an orthodontic evaluation by age seven. Braces are usually worn between the ages of 10 and 14, when growth best accommodates orthodontic treatment.
Modern orthodontic treatments achieve amazing results quickly and easily. As a result, many more adults are now undergoing orthodontic treatment to enhance the appearance of their smile.
- Traditional solutions: Traditional braces include bands, where metal strips reposition teeth; lingual braces, which are attached to the backs of teeth, out of view; and brackets, which are bonded directly to teeth.
- New Solutions: The latest trend in orthodontics utilizes removable clear plastic "aligners", which fit snugly over the teeth to reposition them. Approximately every two weeks, new aligners are inserted, to accommodate the repositioning of the teeth.
Invisalign Braces
Invisalign treatments can offer patients an orthodontic treatment without metal braces. When indicated, patients can wear a series of clear aligners for a given time to straighten the teeth. Since the patients can take out the aligners to eat food and clean teeth thoroughly, Invisalign treatment can provide better oral hygiene for the patients.
Although NOT ALL orthodontic cases are treated by Invisalign, certain patients with indicated cases can benefit greatly with clear aligners to straighten teeth. Most adult patient opt for Invisalign treatment vs. traditional metal braces for its aesthetics and cleansability.
Please contact our office for a possible Invisalign treatment as an alternative to the traditional orthodontic braces.